Starting from:



This is a commemorative sticker of the initial wallet extension in the Polkadot ecosystem.


Documentation of Polkadot.js

Source code of Polkadot.js Wallet Extension 


We are taking zero profits from sales of these items and sending them to Treasury. 


Price is the amount to produce stickers.


<strong>About KodaDot:</strong><br /><a href="">KodaDot is the go-to Polkadot NFT marketplace</a> aggregating nine NFT standards across nine chains. We are a home for a sea of NFTs that came to enjoy our unique features and community. As a carbon-neutral marketplace, we are growing every day. You can <a href="">learn about KodaDot at our Hello Knowledge Base</a> or <a href="">read blog posts written by community members.</a><br /><br /></p>

Designs created by our NFT artists